Hello World!
Who am I? Why should you care? Why does this site exist?
I've been using Linux in one form or another as my daily driver for the past 20 years. My first step after getting a computer is to wipe the boot drive and figure out which fork of Debian works the best with the least amount of fiddling. I also keep a few USB sticks with Antix or Fatdog in case things go wrong.
Of course Microsoft made me switch to Linux with the stupidity that followed XP. Windows got bigger, slower, more annoying, and less secure as time went on. Linux got a bit fatter and more annoying too, but that chubby penguin can still run circles around anything that comes out of Redmond. It's also free as in freedom and price, which makes it incredibly valuable in the age of forced obsolescence and diminishing returns.
Of course, it's not all sunshine and rainbows in Linux land. The community is heavily fractured, Stallman is nuts, Torvalds is a tyrant (but for good reasons most of the time), Microsoft bought GitHub and turned Atom into one of their flagship products, and most distributions are infected with SystemD, a poor and bloated attempt to replace the classic SysV init system. Oh, and then there's Wayland, an attempt to completely rewrite the X Windows System instead of translating something like Tiny X to Rust or Free Pascal and bolting on the necessary stuff to support 3D graphics.
I've played with a bunch of different programming languages, including JS, Ruby, Python, Forth, and various members of the Lisp family. So far, I haven't really built anything. I mainly just glue a bunch of tools together or print interesting stuff to the screen. Still, my two favorites are Ruby and Perl. Python is often recommended for "serious development" these days, but something just doesn't sit well with me about the indented blocks with no ending brace or keyword. It's too easy to get lost and forget which indentation level you're at.
I use Ruby mainly as a replacement for shell scripting because Bash just doesn't have decent data structures. I got excited when they added associative arrays (key-value pairs) to Bash, but they're not as good as hashes in Ruby or dictionaries in Python. Perl is often thought of as a "write once" language, and yes, it can look a lot like line noise if someone really wants to big-brain stuff, but it's still a decent language for short programs. In fact, his site is powered by a SSG I wrote in Perl. I'll publish it later.
I finally decided to start sharing my little scripts and misadventures with the world as a cheap weekend hobby. Maybe it will help me land a job or become a repository of useful information some day.
That answers the first and third questions. The answer to the second one is up to you.